
Where inspiration meets imagination.

  • 8 Ways to Attend a Business Conference for Free

    8 Ways to Attend a Business Conference for Free

    The majority of business conference attendees are there for business contacts, networking and other job related duties. It’s part of their job description, and their company pays (or reimburses) them for their time. But when you’re starting your own small business or freelance company, you have to front those costs yourself. And it doesn’t come…

  • Should You Sell Your Assets to Pay Off Debt?

    Should You Sell Your Assets to Pay Off Debt?

    If you’re in a load of debt, you’re certainly not alone. With recent financial crises, many people have been forced to live off of debt over the short term. Which can quickly add up to tens of thousands of dollars’ worth of debt. Whether you’re in credit card debt, medical debt, or a large line…

  • Your Bad Financial Choices Affect Others

    Your Bad Financial Choices Affect Others

    The phrase “personal finances” can be very deceiving. Many people take it literally and feel personally attacked when others give them money advice. What you may not realize is, your financial choices, whether good or bad, affect more people than just you. Even if you’re a young single person with no kids, your personal choices…

  • 5 Credit Score Myths That Most People Believe

    5 Credit Score Myths That Most People Believe

    When I started my blog – to be quite honest with you – I wasn’t the most knowledgeable when it came to credit scores. Which I guess isn’t surprising, considering how confusing [and deceiving] the whole credit score rigmarole can be! Fortunately, I know quite a bit about them now. What follows are the top…

  • 10 Spectacular Things Happening in My Life and Biz Right Now

    10 Spectacular Things Happening in My Life and Biz Right Now

    As the end of one year approaches and the promise of a new one is right around the corner, I’ve been reflecting back on my first full year of being a self-employed business owner. During my Amplify Your Bank Account workshop (my first ever btw!), I shared a lot about my experiences with business depression, creating my…

  • Top 3 Mistakes I Made as a Freelancer

    Top 3 Mistakes I Made as a Freelancer

    Approaching freelancing from a backwards perspective can be absolutely daunting when first getting started. More often than not, I was standing in my own way. I kept comparing myself to others that had been in the game for months longer than myself. I kept downplaying the value I could provide, telling myself that I wasn’t good enough. It was hard…